Federal & State Benefits
What is the Post 9/11 GI Bill?
The Post-9/11 GI Bill provides education benefits for those who have served on active duty for 90 or more days after Sep. 10, 2001.
To use the Post 9/11 GI Bill, at least one of these must be true:
- You served at least 90 days on active duty on or after September 11, 2001.
- You received a Purple Heart on or after September 11, 2001, and were honorably discharged after any amount of service.
- You served for at least 30 continuous days on or after September 11, 2001, and were honorably discharged with a service-connected disability.
- You’re a dependent child using benefits transferred by a qualifying Veteran or service member.
What does the Post 9/11 GI Bill give me?
- If you qualify for the maximum benefit, it covers the full cost of public and in-state tuition and fees. It also provides a yearly payment for school books and supplies.
- A monthly stipend, which changes based on Full-time or Part-Time enrollment. The stipend changes based on location; lookup your school to predict how much you'll earn.
How to use Chapter 33 at UNA:
- Apply to UNA and be accepted.
- Transfer your prior education transcripts. (This can take a few months)
- Army/Navy/Marines/Coast Guard must submit their Joint Service Transcript.
- Air Force must request their transcript from the Air University.
- Retrieve your COE, you can request one by calling the VA Education Call Center at 888-442-4551.
- Complete the Chapter 33 Form.
- Talk to your advisor and sign up for classes.
- Complete a certification request each semester by submitting a registration form. We can not complete your enrollment certification until this form has been submitted.
Read Further on the VA Website: Post 9/11 GI Bill®
What is Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E)?
VR&E is an employment program for veterans with service-connected disabilities. Services include employment assistance, training, purchase of supplies and equipment, and on-the-job training.
To use VR&E, the veteran must:
- Have not received a dishonorable discharge, and
- Have a service-connected disability rating of at least 10% from the VA.
How long do I have to use VR&E?
- If you were discharged from active duty before January 1, 2013, your basic period of eligibility ends 12 years from one of these dates, whichever comes later:
- The date you received notice of your date of separation from active duty, or
- The date you received your first VA service-connected disability rating.
- If you were discharged from active duty on or after January 1, 2013, the 12-year basic period of eligibility doesn't’t apply to you. There’s no time limit on your eligibility.
*The basic period of eligibility may be extended if a VRC finds that you have a serious employment handicap (SEH).
I'm still on Active Duty, can I apply?
You may be eligible for VR&E benefits and services if you’re a service member and you meet at least one of these requirements.
- At least one of these must be true:
- You have a 20% or higher pre-discharge disability rating (memorandum rating) and will soon leave the military, or
- You’re waiting to be discharged because of a severe illness or injury that occurred while you were on active duty
Can I use the GI Bill and VR&E?
You cannot use both programs at the same time, but VR&E will match the GI Bill stipend rate given that you still have at least 1 day of GI Bill® benefits remaining.
How do I apply for VR&E?
Veteran Affairs hosts the VR&E program. You can apply here for VR&E through the VA website. A VA representative will reach out to you to schedule an interview to determine your eligibility.
How to use Chapter 31 at UNA:
- Apply to UNA and be accepted.
- Transfer your prior education transcripts. (This can take a few months)
- Complete the Chapter 31 Form.
- Talk to your advisor and sign up for classes.
- Complete a certification request each semester by submitting a registration form. We can not complete your enrollment certification until this form has been submitted.
- Each semester, send a copy of your class schedule to your VR&E Representative.
- Have your VR&E Representative send authorizations for book stipends to bookstore@inkatana.com.
What is the Montgomery GI Bill Active Duty (MGIB-AD)?
The MGIB-AD is designed for use by Active Duty service members and veterans to attend college and obtain other education benefits.
Do I qualify for the MGIB-AD?
Overall, you qualify if:
- You contribute $100 a month for the first 12 months you are on active duty.
- You have completed high school or have an equivalency certificate before you apply for benefits.
- You have served at least 2 years on active duty.
***There are 4 categories of qualification under the MGIB-AD. Visit the VA Website and read further to determine if you are fully eligible.
How much will I receive on the MGIB-AD?
How much you'll receive will change depending on length of service, type of education, the category you fall under, and any other college benefits you receive.
How do I apply for the MGIB-AD?
You can apply online through the VA Website.
How to use Chapter 30 at UNA:
- Apply to UNA and be accepted.
- Transfer your prior education transcripts. (This can take a few months)
- Army/Navy/Marines/Coast Guard must submit their Joint Service Transcript.
- Air Force must request their transcript from the Air University.
- Retrieve your COE. You can request one by calling the VA Education Call Center at 888-442-4551.
- Complete the Chapter 30 Form.
- Talk to your advisor and sign up for classes.
- Complete a certification request each semester by submitting a registration form. We can not complete your enrollment certification until this form has been submitted.
Learn more about the MGIB-AD Here
What is the Mongomery GI Bill Selected Reserve? (MGIB-SR)
The Montgomery GI Bill Selected Reserve (MGIB-SR), is available to Reserve members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard, as well as the National Guard.
Do I qualify for the MGIB-SR? Yes, if you:
- Have a six-year obligation to serve in the Selected Reserve or Guard signed after June 30, 1985. If you are an officer, you must have agreed to serve six years in addition to your original obligation.
- Complete your initial active duty for training (IADT).
- Receive you high school diploma or equivalency certificate before completing IADT.
- Remain in good standing while serving in an active Selected Reserve unit.
Can I use the MGIB-SR if i'm no longer in the Selected Reserve?
Yes, if at least one of these is true:
- You separated because of a disability that wasn't’t caused by misconduct, or
- Your unit was deactivated between October 1, 2007, and September 30, 2014, or
- You involuntarily separated (not by choice) for reasons other than misconduct between October 1, 2007, and September 30, 2014.
How much will I get under the MGIB-SR?
You can receive a monthly rate for education, based on your enrollment rate. Look at the Montgomery GI Bill - Select Reserve chart to determine your pay rate.
How do I start using this benefit?
- Contact your unit and request a Notice of Basic Eligibility (DD Form 2384-1).
- Apply online through the VA Website
How to use Chapter 1606 at UNA:
- Apply to UNA and be accepted.
- Transfer your prior education transcripts. (This can take a few months)
- Army/Navy/Marines/Coast Guard must submit their Joint Service Transcript.
- Air Force must request their transcript from the Air University.
- Complete the Chapter 1606 Form.
- Talk to your advisor and sign up for classes.
- Complete a certification request each semester by submitting a registration form. We can not complete your enrollment certification until this form has been submitted.
Learn more about the MGIB-SR Here
What is the Survivors' and Dependents' Educational Assistance program? (DEA)
The Survivors' and Dependents' Educational Assistance (DEA) program provides education and training opportunities to eligible dependents of certain veterans.
Do I qualify to use the DEA program?
Yes, if one of these is true:
- The Veteran or service member is permanently and totally disabled due to a service-connected disability, or
- The Veteran or service member died while on active duty or as a result of a service-connected disability, or
- The Veteran or service member is missing in action or was captured in the line of duty by a hostile force, or
- The Veteran or service member was forcibly detained (held) or interned in the line of duty by a foreign entity, or
- The Veteran or service member is in the hospital or getting outpatient treatment for a service-connected permanent and total disability and is likely to be discharged for that disability.
How long do I have to use DEA?
If you're the child of a veteran or service member:
- You can get benefits if you’re between the ages of 18 and 26, except in certain cases.
If you're the spouse of a veteran or service member:
- Your benefits start on the that you qualify or on the date of the Veteran’s death, and last for 10 years.
- If the Veteran was rated as permanently and totally disabled, with an effective date that’s 3 years after discharge from active duty, you’ll qualify for benefits for 20 years from that effective date.
- If the service member died on active duty, your benefits end 20 years from the date of death.
How can I apply for DEA?
Apply online here at the VA website.
How to use Chapter 35 at UNA:
- Apply to UNA and be accepted.
- Retrieve your COE. You can request one by calling the VA Education Call Center at 888-442-4551.
- Complete the Chapter 35 Form.
- Talk to your advisor and sign up for classes.
- Complete a certification request each semester by submitting a registration form. We can not complete your enrollment certification until this form has been submitted.
- Start a payment plan, pay in full, or utilize a student loan to hold your schedule. Your first payment will most likely not arrive in time for the payment deadline.
Read more about DEA here
What is the Alabama National Guard Educational Assistance Program? (ANGEAP)
ANGEAP is a state student assistance program designed to provide financial assistance to Alabama National Guard members located within the State of Alabama.
Do I qualify for ANGEAP?
To be eligible the student must be:
- 17 years of age or over.
- Active member in good standing with the Alabama National Guard.
- Active member of a federally recognized unit of the Alabama National Guard.
- Have completed basic training.
- Pursuing the first undergraduate or postgraduate degree program.
- Can only receive assistance with one degree.
- Enrolled in a certificate or degree program at an accredited community college or technical college within the State of Alabama.
- Enrolled in a degree program at an accredited college or university within the State of Alabama.
- Maintain a cumulative 2.00 GPA Undergraduate; 3.00 GPA Graduate at end of each semester.
- Must have the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on file.
- Must demonstrate a financial need of at least $100.00.
- Assistance will cover no more than a total of 120 academic hours.
How do I apply for ANGEAP?
- Complete a FASFA each academic year at studentaid.gov.
- Fill out the ANGEAP application here:
- ANGEAP Application Form
- You must submit an ANGEAP Form each Semester.
What is the Alabama GI Dependent Scholarship?
The Alabama Department of Veterans Affairs offers this scholarship to dependent children, stepchildren, spouse, or widow(er) of disabled veterans (living or deceased), who were permanent residents of Alabama prior to entry into military service.
To use the Alabama GI Dependent Scholarship, the veteran must:
- Have an honorable discharge from the Armed Forces and have served for at leat 90 consecutive days of active duty. or
- Served less than 90 consecutive days but released with a qualifying service-connected disability.
Veteran Disability Requirement:
- The veteran must be rated at least 40% or more due to a service connected disability, or held the rating at time of death. Have been a Prisoner of War, declared Missing in Action, died due to a service-connected disability, or died while on active military service in the line of duty.
Veteran State Residency Requirements:
The veteran must have been a permanent civilian resident of the State of Alabama for at least one year immediately prior to their initial entry into active federal military service. Initial entry into federal active military service or any subsequent entry into federal active military service where a 12 month break in service occurred,
AND one of the following:
- Current resident for at least two years immediately prior to the date of your application, or date of veterans death; or
- Current resident who was discharged within the last 12 months; or
- Filed a resident Alabama income tax return for the past 10 consecutive years.
Student Requirements, if applying for the benefit:
- Must be a current resident of Alabama.
- Must complete a FAFSA for each year while under the program.
- Must complete a FERPA release for each educational institution.
- Must comply with the Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress for their institution.
What does the Alabama GI Dependent Scholarship give me?
- All other forms of grants, scholarships, and entitlements must be applied first prior to using the Alabama GI Dependent Scholarship...after these are utilized;
- The Alabama GI Dependent Scholarship currently covers up to $400 per credit hour and $1,000 for books and fees combined. If your fees exceed $1,000 you will not have remaining funds sent to the bookstore. Students are responsible for tuition costs exceeding $250/per hour or fees surpassing the $1,000 allowance.
- This scholarship is only available to students who are financial aid eligible. Students receiving this scholarship must complete the FASFA each year and complete any requirements on their financial aid dashboard before the scholarship will be applied.
How long do I have to use it?
- Age Deadline: The child/stepchild must initiate training prior to their 26th birthday, but in some situations up to their 30th birthday. If the applicant is a stepchild, the veteran and stepchild's parent must be married prior to the child's 19th birthday.
- Children/Stepchildren may receive 10 semesters for undergraduate study. Students have 8 years from the date of application is received by the Alabama VA.
- Spouses/Widow(ers) of a veteran rated 100% disabled may receive 10 semesters for undergraduate study. Students have 8 years from the date of application is received by the Alabama VA.
- Spouses/Widow(ers) of a veteran rated 40-90% disabled receive 6 semesters for undergraduate courses. Students have 6 years from the date of application is received by the Alabama VA.
How do I apply for the scholarship at UNA?
To apply, the applicant needs to contact the Alabama VA office in Montgomery, Alabama by calling them or emailing them Here
Florence, Alabama also has a regional Alabama VA office downtown that can assist in filing the application. You can find their information here
How to use Alabama GI Dependent Scholarship at UNA:
- Apply to UNA and be accepted.
- Transfer your prior education transcripts. (This can take a few months)
- Submit a FASFA for UNA.
- Complete a FERPA Release and submit it to the Alabama GI Dependent Form.
- Contact UNA Student Accounts to verify your enrollment in the program.
- Talk to your advisor and sign up for classes.
- For any questions, contact UNA Student Accounts.
What is the Fry Scholarship?
The Fry Scholarship pays education benefits to the surviving spouses and children of service members who die in the line of duty after Sept. 10, 2001. The scholarship was created to honor the memory of Marine Gunnery Sergeant John D. Fry, 28, of Lorena, Texas.
Do I qualify for the Fry Scholarship?
You may be eligible for Fry Scholarship benefits if you’re the child or surviving spouse of:
- A member of the Armed Forces who died in the line of duty while serving on active duty on or after September 11, 2001, or
- A member of the Armed Forces who died in the line of duty while not on active duty on or after September 11, 2001, or
- A member of the Selected Reserve who died from a service-connected disability on or after September 11, 2001
How long do I have to use the Fry Scholarship?
If you are the child of the service member:
- If you turned 18 or graduated from high school before January 1, 2013, you can get a Fry Scholarship until you’re 33 years old.
- If you turn 18 or graduate from high school after January 1, 2013, you can get a Fry Scholarship at any age over 18 or after you graduate (whichever comes first).
- If your parent was a member of the Selected Reserve and died from a service-connected disability while not on active duty, you can get a Fry Scholarship at any time, no matter how old you are.
- If your parent died in the line of duty before August 1, 2011, you may qualify for both the Fry Scholarship and the Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance (DEA) program. But you can use only one program at a time.
If you are the spouse of the service member:
- If you remarry, you’ll no longer be eligible for the Fry Scholarship.
How do I apply for the Fry Scholarship?
- Apply online here at the VA website.
- If you aren’t legally an adult, your parent or guardian must sign the application.
How to use the Fry Scholarship at UNA:
- Apply to UNA and be accepted.
- Retrieve your COE, you can request one by calling the VA Education Call Center at 888-442-4551.
- Complete the Chapter 33 Form.
- Talk to your advisor and sign up for classes.
- Complete a certification request each semester by submitting a registration form. We can not complete your enrollment certification until this form has been submitted.